Andrea Huelin

Inspiration can come from anywhere

I took this photo as I was trying to prepare some lessons for this week - the cat had other ideas.  Looking back at the photo I found the blocks of colour quite pleasing, and the folds of the curtain.  Could be the basis of a little study for an abstract artwork, in gouache perhaps, or collage?  Try to take lots of photos of anything that catches your eye, even if you don’t know why.  You’ll start to build up a library of images that you might work with at some stage down the track.   

Have a look at this animation by ‘Doolechaos’ on Youtube.  I thought it was so great.  I love the way the artist has described the energy and the flow of the music in drawing – the timing is unreal.  Why don’t you try putting on a piece of music you know well and just letting your pencil move around the page, describing the ups and downs and the crescendos and diminuendos, using thick and thin line, adding in other lines, or textured lines when the music gets intense.   Check out this artwork by local artist Serena Kuring, who has synesthesia and is doing a phd on the relationship between audio and visual sensory experiences ,

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